lola simone styling

i'm a new New Yorker.
this is my journey towards becoming a fashion stylist & boutique owner

my thoughts. my ramblings. my style. my journey. join me as a I take on the task of becoming a stylist in NYC

Saturday, September 26, 2009

covert mission...completed

i traveled to dallas last week to do a photo shoot with my best friend who is launching soon. she sells great quality human hair and i was the model/ make up artisit and STYLIST. so this was an opportunity for us all the gain knowledge in our perspective career fields. I must say after looking at the photos i did see things that if i were the stylist behind the scenes i would have caught on to. i had such a good time and i will leave you with a teaser image or two, they have not been retouched yet but if you are interested in purchasing any of the hair email me and i will pass on her info to you. thanks!