lola simone styling

i'm a new New Yorker.
this is my journey towards becoming a fashion stylist & boutique owner

my thoughts. my ramblings. my style. my journey. join me as a I take on the task of becoming a stylist in NYC

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

what are you thankful for this year? I'll go first...I am thankful for the gift of life, everyday, every breath is a blessing. We have seen soo many people pass this year & it really puts things into perspective. I am thankful for my family, they are crazy, but they are always there for me. I am thankful for my best friends...I absolutely love them. I am thankful for my health...thank you lord. And lastly I am thankful that the lord has kept my head above water this year...I have been out of work going on 11 months and he has kept me, and as I prepare for my next venture in life (NYC) I know that he will continue to bless & keep me. Do not concentrate on what you do not have, concentrate on what you do have....LIFE.
Happy Thanksgiving

Accentuate the legs

so my fabulous followers how are we feeling about bedroom thigh highs out in public? me personally, I love the way  Selita is rocking them. They are barely noticeable with the length of her dress so it's sorta like a "peek a boo" thing going on. I don't know how I feel about them on Rhi Rhi...hmmm??? And I found a super cute store that sells these types of stockings here