lola simone styling

i'm a new New Yorker.
this is my journey towards becoming a fashion stylist & boutique owner

my thoughts. my ramblings. my style. my journey. join me as a I take on the task of becoming a stylist in NYC

Monday, January 18, 2010

martin luther king jr day

If you haven't found something worth dying for, you aren't fit to be living.

what a brave is the day to remember that.

Golden Globes

congrats monique!!! best supporting actress

chloe sevigny:: red carpet stunner

halle is gorgeous...never ages...

christina was stunning as well! HOTT

sheila hendricks...i just love her...

i love ginnifer goodwin...she is so chic, must be the hair

i lovie julia & meryl...both casually fab!

BET Honors

i love taraji, you will see her on her quite often!

mjb looks fabulous....

gabrielle union looks cute to me, she's looking a little full in the mid/ waist area....

Meagan Good for Krave Mag

doesn't she look fabulous...i like the new haircut on her. styled by mr. bradshaw